Home » Bill 10209: what the new mobilization rules provide

Bill 10209: what the new mobilization rules provide

by alex

In Ukraine, martial law and general mobilization were extended. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is considering bill No. 10209 on changes to the rules of mobilization. We are talking about amending certain legislative acts regarding the wise mobilization and ensuring the optimal combat effectiveness of military units during martial law.

What does bill No. 10209 provide for, when will it come into force, as well as the text of the draft – read the ICTV Facts material.

Bill 10209: what it provides

The Verkhovna Rada proposes to change the rules for those liable for military service. For this purpose, bill 10209 (dated 11/03/2023) was registered. It provides for the following changes:

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  • Those liable for military service who are not mobilized into the army and do not officially work are proposed to be involved in the restoration of war-damaged infrastructure. They want to mobilize only those persons liable for military service who have the appropriate moral and volitional qualities and who agree in writing to defend the Motherland.
  • Those liable for military service who have a reservation or deferment will be able to mobilize. This applies only to those persons who have worked in government agencies for two or more years in positions involving the use of weapons.
  • During martial law, those liable for military service will be allowed to change their place of registration, but it will be necessary to notify the TCC and SP about this within three days.
  • Under martial law, they want to abolish the age limit for military service, that is, the military will be able to continue serving at their own request.
  • Persons liable for military service and conscripts will be able to leave their place of residence for a week without notifying the TCC and SP.

During the period of martial law, by a joint order of the MOU and the relevant law enforcement agency, up to 30% of the personnel of the law enforcement agency can be transferred to the disposal of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (including to ensure rotation for military personnel called up for military service upon mobilization, who serve without rotation for more than 6 months) (for positions that require permission to carry (use) firearms) for a period of up to 6 months on the legal basis of conscription for military service upon mobilization.

When will the bill come into force?

House Bill 10209 is only being considered in committee, so it is not known if or when it will go into effect.

Text of bill 10209

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