Home ยป Biden's team wanted to extend the missile treaty

Biden's team wanted to extend the missile treaty

by alex

Joe Biden

US President-elect Joe Biden wanted to extend the Treaty on Measures to Further Reduce and Limit Strategic Offensive Arms (START, unofficially known as START III). This was announced by the candidate for the post of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, RIA Novosti reports.

He said that the deadline on the issue of extending the missile treaty will come very soon, with this issue the president's team will come to lawmakers almost immediately after Biden takes office.

However, Blinken did not answer the question of how long the agreement could be extended, stressing that the decision rests with the president-elect.

In early January, Jake Sullivan, whom Biden chose as his national security adviser, announced that the new US administration plans to negotiate with Russia on the extension of the Treaty on Measures to Further Reduce and Limit Strategic Offensive Arms (START, unofficially called START III).

The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was signed in 2010 by the presidents of Russia and the United States – Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama. The agreement came into force in 2011 and expires in February 2021.

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