Home » Biden will overturn a number of Trump decisions on the first day of his presidency

Biden will overturn a number of Trump decisions on the first day of his presidency

by alex

Joe Biden

President-elect Joseph Biden, who will be inaugurated on January 20, is preparing to reverse a number of decisions of his predecessor, Donald Trump, on the first day of his presidency. Writes about this “Interfax”.

In particular, we are talking about the abolition of restrictions on the entry into the United States of citizens of a number of Muslim countries. In addition, Biden intends to return to the Paris climate agreement, from which Washington withdrew under Trump, as well as oblige citizens of the country to observe the mask regime when moving from one state to another.

Biden's next step, according to analysts, will be measures aimed at combating the coronavirus epidemic in the country. “My first 100 days will not end COVID-19, but we can and will slow the spread of the disease as we manufacture and distribute this vaccine,” Biden said.

Several Western media outlets are speculating that the new president will take steps to get back into the Iranian nuclear deal and the World Health Organization. In addition, according to publications, the new head of state is preparing to consider an issue related to the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START-3), which expires in February 2021.

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