Home » Biden was reminded of his promise of “consequences” for the Russian Federation in the event of Navalny’s death: what he responded

Biden was reminded of his promise of “consequences” for the Russian Federation in the event of Navalny’s death: what he responded

by alex

The conversation between Biden and Putin took place back in 2021.

Back in the summer of 2021, United States President Joe Biden stated that he warned Russian President Vladimir Putin of “devastating consequences” if jailed Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny dies in prison.

He spoke about this after negotiations with the head of the Kremlin in Geneva, CNN reports.

Then, according to Biden, he “made it clear” to the Russian president that “the consequences of this would be devastating for Russia.”

One of the journalists reminded the American leader of his statement after a meeting with Putin in Geneva in 2021.

“That was three years ago. During this time they faced a huge number of consequences. They lost and/or wounded more than 350 thousand Russian soldiers. They found themselves in a situation where they were subject to huge sanctions in all areas “And we're thinking about what else we could do,” Biden responded.

Recall that on February 16, the department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of the Russian Federation announced that Alexey Navalny died in a correctional colony in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district at the age of 47.

Biden reacted to the death of the oppositionist: “Putin kills people not only outside of Russia, but also Russians themselves. Navalny believed in Russia and defended those values ​​​​that are the opposite of what Putin symbolizes.”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky also responded to the news of Navalny’s death. According to him, it is absolutely obvious that Russian President Vladimir Putin is behind the death of the Russian politician.

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