Home » Biden pledges to lift Trump's restrictions on migrants

Biden pledges to lift Trump's restrictions on migrants

by alex

US President-elect Joe Biden has pledged to lift the restrictions on migrants imposed by the current American leader Donald Trump. RIA Novosti reports.

“We've been told what steps we need to take to clear the humanitarian catastrophe that the Trump administration has systematically created on our southern border. We will work purposefully, diligently and responsibly to roll back Trump's restrictions from day one, ”Biden said.

The politician noted that he intends to create opportunities for quick work with asylum seekers in the United States and at the same time avoid a crisis amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Thousands of migrants from poor Central American countries traveled through Mexico to the US border in October 2018 to claim asylum from the US authorities. Trump sent thousands of troops to the border to contain the influx of illegal immigrants. In late March, it became known that a new caravan of migrants had moved from Central America to the United States. It numbers 1.2 thousand people.

The construction of the wall on the US-Mexican border was one of the main points of Trump's program in the 2016 presidential election. For his sake, he managed to declare a state of emergency and redirect military spending, but on May 25 it became known that a California court had imposed a ban on such use of US Department of Defense budget funds.

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