Home » “Betrayal and redesign”: Orban’s panicky article on war and the future of the EU

“Betrayal and redesign”: Orban’s panicky article on war and the future of the EU

by alex

Europe is increasingly embroiled in a war in which the continent has nothing to win but everything it could easily lose, according to the Hungarian Prime Minister.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote a panicked article “Betrayal and Redesign,” in which he accused the right-wing EPP party, which won the European Parliament elections, of “shameful collusion” with the Social Democrats and Liberals to share power.

According to the politician, if right-wing political parties do not take power into their own hands, the “Brussels bureaucrats” will plunge Europe into an even deeper crisis.

The article by the Hungarian leader was published on Saturday, June 29, in Magyar Nemzet.

The European crisis and the “Brussels bureaucrats”

According to the politician, Europe is in crisis, Christian civilization is disappearing, the European Union is in decline, and the “economic weight” of the continent has been steadily declining for three decades in a row.

“European order is evaporating before our eyes – the constant threat of terrorism undermines public safety. Europe's ability to defend its interests in international politics has decreased – territorial closures and blockades, war in the neighborhood. All this has put the European peoples in a difficult situation , in addition, the conditions of people’s daily lives have become more complicated. What Europeans perceive: war, migration and stagnation instead of peace, order and development,” Orban pumps up from the first lines of the article.

The Hungarian Prime Minister believes that the situation is complicated by the “Brussels bureaucracy living in a bubble” and constantly making false political decisions.

“Europe is increasingly drawn into a war [in Ukraine – ed.], in which the continent has nothing to gain, but can easily lose everything. However, daily experience shows that in the matter of war, nothing is too expensive for them,” Orban is sure.

War in Ukraine and African migrants

The politician complains that European companies have suffered from sanctions, inflation has risen, and millions of Europeans have found themselves in dire straits. And Orban believes that the main reason for all these troubles is the provision of financial and military support to Ukraine.

“The bureaucrats in Brussels want this war, they consider it theirs and want to defeat Russia,” Orban notes.

The politician also criticized Europe's transition to green energy. In his opinion, this not only did not improve the situation, but also led to an increase in the use of coal and an increase in energy prices.

The Hungarian Prime Minister did not forget about the export of Ukrainian agricultural products. According to him, our state is “throwing off” products of dubious quality to the world at dumping prices, which puts European farmers at risk.

Orban also discussed EU migration policy, which he considers destructive for European peoples due to the huge flow of migrants, including from African countries.

“However, instead of borrowing from the successful experience of countries that stop migration, such as Hungary, Brussels is punishing these countries and trying to force them to accept migrants,” he noted.

Orban accused Brussels of weakening state countries and increasing his power.

“This elite brings back memories of the communists. They don’t care about the interests of the people, they impose their ideas on the people. Their current hit is the ideal of toxic green politics and a mixed society. And if the European people don’t like it, then woe to the European people,” – declared the politician.

The Prime Minister of Hungary recalled that in 20 of the 27 EU countries, right-wing parties won parliamentary elections, which indicates the desire of Europeans to stop migration, end the war and “get rid of progressive ideological violence.”

In Hungary “everything is fine” except for political traitors

At a time when Europe is stepping into the abyss, in Hungary, according to Orban, “so far so good.” But there were political “traitors” there too.

The right-wing won the elections to the European Parliament in Hungary – the European People's Party (EPP), which promised people changes. But after the elections, the EPP joined forces with the socialists and liberals, who, according to Orbán, “put Europe in danger.”

“The European People's Party and other left-wing parties have booed the decisions of the European people, entered into a shameful pact and began to share power. This is a clear abuse of the power given by the voters. The pro-war coalition has reunited. The only purpose of this pro-war pact is to keep the Brussels elite at power for another five years, which will lead Europe to an even greater crisis,” the politician believes.

Orban emphasized that it is necessary to create strong right-wing factions in the European Parliament, and then build close cooperation between them.

“If everything goes according to plan, and God helps us, then by the end of the year patriots will have a majority in the entire Western world,” the Hungarian Prime Minister promised.

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