Home » BelNPP issued a permit for the energy start-up of the first power unit

BelNPP issued a permit for the energy start-up of the first power unit

by alex

© Yulia ChicherinaBelNPP issued permission for the energy start-up of the first power unit

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus granted the BelNPP permission to carry out the program for the energy start-up of the first power unit.

“On October 23, 2020, the collegium of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus made a positive decision to amend the license of the State Enterprise“ Belarusian NPP ”for the right to carry out activities in the field of the use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation, allowing to proceed with the implementation of the stage program of the energy start-up of power unit No. 1 “, – says the message of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic.

It is noted that this decision is based on the conclusion of Gosatomnadzor, which inspected the NPP.

Earlier, the Belarusian Energy Ministry announced the successful launch of a chain reaction at the first power unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

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