< p>Prostitutes will also receive health insurance, pensions, maternity leave.
New law in Belgium, which activists called the “employment contract” ” for prostitutes, will allow pimps to punish them through a government intermediary if they refuse sex more than 10 times within six months.
The Publica writes about this.
The Belgian parliament voted for the law on May 3: 93 deputies were in favor, zero were against, 33 abstained.
UTSOPI, the Belgian sex workers' union that lobbied hard for the law, calls it a victory. The law stipulates that prostitutes will receive health insurance, pensions, maternity leave, and unemployment benefits. Their pimps will be forced to provide them with a “panic button” for emergencies.
The organization's website claims the law “is a historic step in the fight for sex workers' rights” and will create “respectful, fair relationships” between prostitutes and their pimps. UTSOPI speaker Daan Bauwens told reporters that he believes “Belgium really shows that it is committed to protecting sex workers, regardless of any moral judgments people may have about the profession.”
Prostitutes should be given the “rights” to refuse sexual acts, to stop sexual acts, to perform sexual acts as they prefer, and to refuse to sit behind windows Amsterdam style. However, if a prostitute exercises these “rights” 10 times within a six-month period, her pimp may ask a government mediator to intervene in the situation.
All pimps must have a registered office and apply to the Belgian government for permission to offer contracts to prostitutes. The contracts will be disguised as a hotel and restaurant cafe (HoReCa) so that the prostitutes can remain anonymous.
Recall that last month in Odessa a woman was detained who drew girls into prostitution. The woman posted advertisements for services on the Internet.
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