Home » Belarus is preparing for the transition to “war time”: what is happening near the border with Ukraine

Belarus is preparing for the transition to “war time”: what is happening near the border with Ukraine

by alex

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus conducts training of rescuers in border regions to practice interdepartmental cooperation in the event of martial law being declared.

First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of Belarus Alexander Khudoleev said that the Gomel region of Belarus, bordering Ukraine, is ready to transition “to wartime.”

Belta writes about this.

The official made such a statement during an exercise of the fire rescue squad of the Gomel Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which was supposed to test and improve the resource provision of rescuers and interdepartmental interaction under martial law.

“The readiness of special units, their staffing, etc. has been checked. In general, the region’s system is ready, if necessary, for transfer to wartime,” noted Khudoleev.

The official added that the training identified areas that required a number of adjustments and prompt intervention from management.

“We will develop management decisions and adopt the relevant regulations that will allow us to generally implement and ensure functioning and interaction during the period of preparation and transfer to a military footing,” he said.

Khudoleyev said that not only units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations took part in the two-day training, but also all civil defense formations that practiced actions during the transfer of the country to wartime.

The Belarusian official noted that the Gomel region has become the third region in which similar training took place.

Recall that Belarus and the Russian Federation have begun joint aviation exercises. The actions of their military are monitored by Ukrainian intelligence officers “to understand how much of a threat they can pose to Ukraine.”

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