Home » Because of the latest scandalous statement, Trump began to be compared to Hitler and Mussolini – The Hill

Because of the latest scandalous statement, Trump began to be compared to Hitler and Mussolini – The Hill

by alex

Trump's aggressive rhetoric is already worrying not only Democrats, but also some Republicans.

Former US President Donald Trump, eager to return to the White House, has sparked backlash by comparing his political opponents to “parasites” who need to be exterminated. Because of this statement, Trump was compared to dictators Hitler and Mussolini.

The Hill writes about this.

Trump, in a Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire, vowed to “root out… the radical leftist thugs who live like parasites.”

In his opinion, for the United States, “the threat from external forces is much less ominous, dangerous and serious than the threat from within. Because if you have a capable, competent, smart, tough leader, Russia, China, North Korea, they will not want to to play with us.”

Democrats and even some Republicans expressed concern about Trump's comments, likening them to the rhetoric used by dictators during World War II and suggesting it was a sign of how Trump would behave if elected to a second term in the White House.

“On a weekend when most Americans were honoring our nation's heroes, Donald Trump echoed the autocratic rhetoric of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, two dictators against whom many American veterans gave their lives to defeat the very un-American ideas that Trump now champions,” it said. in a statement from Biden campaign spokesman Ammar Mouss.

White House Speaker Andrew Bates also added that the comments echoed Hitler and Mussolini, suggesting Trump's language would be “eerily recognizable to American veterans who donned the uniform in the 1940s.”

Former Republican House member and one of Trump's biggest GOP critics, Liz Cheney, wrote on social media site X that Trump is using “the same Nazi propaganda that mobilized 1930s-40s Germany for evil.” She added that history will judge “every Republican who condoned this dangerous man.”

Earlier, Donald Trump said that if he wins the election, he will demand that the West compensate the cost of the weapons provided to Ukraine. He also once again assured that he would end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours and force Zelensky and Putin to conclude an agreement.

According to Trump, Ukraine needed to “give” its territories to Russia.

In turn, Vladimir Zelensky said that in 24 minutes he will be able to explain to Trump that he will not be able to end the war between Russia and Ukraine in 24 hours if he is re-elected.

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