Home » Battle for a friend: an American went to jail after refusing to return a dog to work

Battle for a friend: an American went to jail after refusing to return a dog to work

by alex

New Yorker Barry Myrick, after being fired, flatly refused to return to his former company the pit bull, with whom he worked and lived for four years. The firm's management filed a lawsuit against the obstinate ex-employee.

Mairik has worked for a pest control company since 2016. As a “working tool” the man was given a sniffer dog of the pit bull breed.

According to the terms of the contract, Roxy settled at Mayrick's house while working, but the firm paid the bills for food and veterinary services for the four-legged employee.

The pest control career ended for the American in the spring of last year – amid the situation with the coronavirus, the company was forced to cut staff. Mayrik was also among those dismissed.

In the confusion surrounding the beginning of the pandemic, the dog was simply forgotten. However, in the summer they remembered and demanded to return the “property of the company” back.

The man, for whom Roxy became not only a friend, but also a part of the family, refused to comply with the order of the former employer, explaining his behavior by the fact that during the dismissal the dog was not discussed.

The representative of the company said that about $ 15 thousand was spent on training the dog, and the contract spells out the conditions for returning the animal after the end of cooperation with Mairik. In addition, the company suggested that the ex-employee wants to open his own business and compete with the former employer. It was for these purposes that he allegedly needed a dog.

In turn, Mayrick dismisses all accusations and demonstrates a tattoo depicting Roxy, which he made as a sign of eternal friendship.

After the man was detained by the police on charges of embezzlement, he had to spend about 15 hours in the bullpen. But this only strengthened him in his own rightness:

– I spent almost all my money on a lawyer, I spent 15 hours in prison with criminals. Now I won't back down. What else can they do to me?

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