Home » Austria is accelerating the early phase-out of internal combustion engines

Austria is accelerating the early phase-out of internal combustion engines

by alex

Request from some EU countries to the Commission for a fixed exit date for new vehicles.

Several EU countries, including Austria, have asked the EU Commission in a letter to name an exit date for the sale of cars with internal combustion engines, i.e. gasoline and diesel cars. In addition, the states are in favor of a better charging infrastructure for emission-free transport and significantly stricter emissions standards.

This emerges from an unofficial paper that the diplomatic mission of the Netherlands in Brussels published on Wednesday. In addition to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Malta, Ireland, Lithuania and Luxembourg are also named as senders.

Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands have long been planning to end combustion engines from 2030, France for 2040, as well as the non-EU member Great Britain. In Norway, also not an EU country, it should even be ready in 2025. Even in the number one European auto nation, Germany, there are increasing voices in favor of a medium-term end. Even CSU boss Söder pleaded for an end in the year 2035. “The internal combustion engine is counted”, said Greenpeace traffic expert Benjamin Stephan, welcoming the current advance of the EU countries.

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