Home » Attack on a metallurgical plant in Lipetsk: where did the drones kiss and will the enterprise be able to operate

Attack on a metallurgical plant in Lipetsk: where did the drones kiss and will the enterprise be able to operate

by alex

The enterprise producing weapons for attacks on Ukraine was a legitimate target for us.

On the night of February 2, UAVs hit important installations of the metallurgical plant in Lipetsk. As a result of the attack, the production process will be stopped.

TSN.ua sources report this.

What is known about the enterprise

Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant:

The Russian side immediately complained about the drone attack. After powerful explosions at the metallurgical plant, a serious fire began and personnel were evacuated. Subsequently, the Russians announced “successful air defense work.”

“The UAVs hit installations intended for the primary cooling of raw coke oven gas. The destruction of these objects will lead to a shutdown of the entire production process of the metallurgical plant for a long time,” the message notes.

It is noteworthy that the owner of this metallurgical plant is oligarch Vladimir Lisin, close to the Russian dictator Putin. According to Forbes, he is one of the three richest people in the terrorist country of the Russian Federation.

Recall that in the Russian Lipetsk, explosions were heard at a metallurgical plant after an attack by a UAV.

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