Home » ATM cash registers failed on shopping Saturday

ATM cash registers failed on shopping Saturday

by alex

On the shopping Saturday, the payment terminals in several shops across Austria failed.

Setback for domestic retailers on Saturday shopping: the payment terminals in several shops across Austria have failed. Payments with credit or debit cards did not work between 12 noon and 2 p.m., as those affected and Rainer Will from the trade association report.

Although good sales were achieved on Saturday, the failures of payment terminals meant “enormous additional expense and losses,” Will wrote on Twitter. Due to the technical problems, long queues formed in front of the cash registers. “As a result, the security concepts are 'doubly' required in practice,” says Will.

At 2 p.m. the problems were resolved. “Many customers left the shops during that time,” reported the managing director of the trade association. In the past few weeks, retail had to accept major losses in sales due to the lockdown.

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