Home » Arnautovic against TV experts

Arnautovic against TV experts

by alex

Marko Arnautovic and the ORF experts Roman Mählich and Herbert Prohaska.

Marko Arnautovic is clearly behind team boss Franco Foda. Local experts, from whom there is criticism, annoy the ÖFB legionnaire.

Marko Arnautovic speaks plain text! The Viennese suffered two major defeats with the ÖFB team against Israel (2: 5) and Scotland (0: 1), and recently exercised a lot of self-criticism. After the home bankruptcy against the Scots, he didn't want to criticize colleagues or the coaching team because he didn't play well himself.

Now he is sharpening the “Sport am Sonntag” on ORF. Team boss Franco Foda, who was shouted “Foda out” in the Happel Stadium and was later confronted with criticism from experts, he specifically protects. Arnautovic says: “Players will never say what needs to be changed. We're on the pitch and we have to perform. I have a very good relationship with the coach. We are not divided. We have a good relationship with him. It will always be the case stay as long as he's a coach. “

He is specifically addressing the supposed break between coach and team. A fairy tale for the Bologna legionnaire.

Arnautovic also criticizes the critics. In doing so, he targets the TV experts. Recently, several greats in domestic football have spoken out against Foda's approach. Roman Mählich was the most offensive. Herbert Prohaska, Helge Payer, Toni Polster – critical words were also heard from them.

Arnautovic doesn't name any names when he says: “I get upset when someone is in the back of a suit and therefore talking. He should show himself how it works. Don't just talk in newspapers and television. I don't like that. That's why they're in the newspapers and on television. “

The 32-year-old sharpens who his words are aimed at: “I don't mean the people who write for the newspapers or work on TV – I respect every job. I mean these people who used to play football themselves and all of them know exactly how it is and now they are sitting in their chairs and criticizing. They know exactly how it is in football – and it is not easy. “

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