Home » Arestovich named the only place on the front where the invaders are trying to “at least somehow attack”

Arestovich named the only place on the front where the invaders are trying to “at least somehow attack”

by alex

Aleksey Arestovich said that the Russian occupiers are trying to attack only approximately 20 kilometers of the front. The OP adviser recalled that this was from 1300 kilometers of the front, where active battles were taking place.

Aleksey Arestovich told the relevant information on the evening of September 13th. He also explained that, in fact, the enemy's claims of success in this sector of the offensive are fake.

Arestovich said that the enemy is trying to attack in the Bakhmut area

An adviser to the President's Office said that the Russians lied and allegedly had success in the Bakhmut area, because these are the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine refuted the data.

They (the Russians – Channel 24) have concentrated large resources there, they are trying to put pressure on them, because at least some kind of operational success is needed. – Andriy Yermak's adviser explained.

He added that the front section in the Bakhmut area, approximately 20 kilometers long, is the only place where the invaders are trying to somehow attack.

The enemy does not attack anywhere else. Only sometimes there are very small tactical actions that cannot be called an offensive. In particular, the occupiers are taking such steps near Peski and Maryinka.

Successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front: in short

  • Vladimir Zelensky on the evening of September 13 announced that stabilization measures had been completed in the de-occupied areas for more than than 4,000 square kilometers. Stabilization continues on approximately the same vacated territory.
  • According to the president, in just a few days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated 300 settlements in the Kharkiv region, but the real figure could be much higher. Anna Malyar announced clarifications on the liberated lands of the Kharkiv region.
  • Moreover, the collaborators remember their responsibility in the South and run away faster than the invaders. They take out families, all the loot and never return.

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