Home » APU is like a clamped spring: where will it straighten out in the near future

APU is like a clamped spring: where will it straighten out in the near future

by alex

The strategic initiative of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front has not gone away. After the liberation of Kherson, the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured the high right bank of the Dnieper and received fire superiority over the enemy in the lowland. >Due to the unfavorable terrain and vulnerable logistics, the invaders on the left bank are doomed in the same way as they were doomed on the right bank, pinned to the Dnieper. It is only a matter of time before they are defeated, and we choose that time.

Kremennaya and Svatovo are held by the Muscovites with the last of their strength. The Bakhmut meat grinder, although it looked menacing, now looks like the most competent defensive operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Zelensky's arrival in Bakhmut became a signal that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not just in control of the situation, but they are 200% in control. In recent days, several successful counterattacks have been carried out near Bakhmut and the positions that the Russians have acquired for months at the cost of thousands of lives have been repulsed.

The Russians thought they would create problems for us in Bakhmut, but in fact they created problems for themselves. Their activity here did not take away the strategic initiative from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but only tilted the balance of power in our favor even more. The Muscovites disposed of a bunch of mobilized people near Bakhmut and shot off so much ammunition that Russia now has a shortage of shells.

We are fighting and winning

Now the APU is like a clamped spring. And it can straighten itself in any direction. Or maybe in all directions at once.

I am convinced that Zaluzhny's dramatic interview covered the true intentions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the fog of war. And they are that as soon as the weather allows the movement of heavy equipment, heap on the bullies in full.

Yes, the victory will not be easy, but strategically Ukraine has an advantage. Because while the Muscovites in the war are promoting themselves, filming Kadyrov and Prigozhin's tik-tok, the Ukrainian army is fighting and winning.

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