Home » Apple introduced a new operating system

Apple introduced a new operating system

by alex

Apple introduced a new operating system

Apple held its annual WWDC 2021 developer conference. The updated macOS desktop operating system was unveiled at the event, according to the company's website.

The new OS was named Monterey. In the Safari browser, the tab bar has changed: now it takes on the color of an open web page, tabs, the search bar and the toolbar have been combined into a single interface. Now you can sync groups of tabs between Mac, iPhone and iPad and share them with other users.

The new Quick Commands feature on Mac will automate frequently used tasks such as uploading files and creating animated GIFs.

The Continuity feature is convenient for those who often work on different devices. So, users will be able to stream movies, games and other content from iPhone or iPad to Mac.

The new operating system will support a record wide range of Mac models, including the iMac, MacBook Pro 13 and Mac mini. In July, developers will open free access to the beta version, and in the fall the OS will be released as a free update.

Earlier it was reported that a new feature was announced to users of Apple devices. They will be able to find out what data the installed applications are collecting about them.

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