Home ยป Apple hires additional assemblers of smartphones in anticipation of record demand for iPhone 13

Apple hires additional assemblers of smartphones in anticipation of record demand for iPhone 13

by alex

To meet the iPhone 13 release date, Foxconn, Apple's Taiwanese iPhone assembly partner, is in the process of hiring at least 200,000 new workers. This number of personnel is explained by the fact that Apple, in addition to holding a presentation, needs to ship from 130 to 150 million iPhones from production lines by the end of the year.

According to Xue Wang, Foxconn's deputy general manager, there are not enough workers currently employed in the production, which is a weak point of the company. The iPhone assembly plant can seat up to 350,000 people and bears the unambiguous name iPhone City. Its conveyors can leave 500,000 smartphones a day. And if now the company is able to employ the required number of workers, then the goals of the timely release of products will not be disrupted.

Recall that the release of the iPhone 13 is expected in September, because such a rush of Apple's partner, which collects 40% of all Apple smartphones, is understandable.

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