Home » “Anti-Ukrainian” president of Slovakia: what is known about Peter Pellegrin

“Anti-Ukrainian” president of Slovakia: what is known about Peter Pellegrin

by alex

< p>The newly elected president claimed that he was in no hurry to make fundamental changes in foreign policy.

He won the second round of the presidential elections in Slovakia the current Speaker of Parliament Peter Pellegrini, who supports the policies of the pro-Russian Prime Minister Robert Fico. During the presidential campaign, Pellegrini repeated some of Fico's narratives and accused his rival, the pro-Western candidate Ivan Korcek, of “warmongering”.

This is reported by the BBC.

What he promised before the elections

According to Pellegrini, Korcok is in favor of sending Slovak soldiers to fight as far as Ukraine, although in fact the country's president does not have such powers. He also declared support for Fico's government.

“I will be a president who will support the government in its efforts to improve people's lives. I will do everything to ensure that Slovakia remains forever on the side of peace , and not on the side of the war,” Pellegrini said before the elections.

At the same time, the newly elected president insisted that he would not rush into fundamental changes in foreign policy. “I guarantee that we will continue to be a strong member of the EU and NATO,” he said on the Saturday before the election.

What are the functions of the President of Slovakia

In Slovakia, executive power belongs to the prime minister, and the powers of the president are greatly limited. He mostly performs ceremonial functions, but is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, has the right to veto laws passed by parliament, ratifies international treaties, and appoints judges of the Constitutional Court. The latter function can play an important role in the event of denial of Fico's reforms.

Read the leading news of the day:

Pellegrini is an old ally of Fico, but more moderate. He created his own party, “Voice” – more centrist and liberal than the populist “Course – Social Democracy” of the current prime minister. Together with Fico in the fall, he took part in the formation of the government, which stopped the supply of Slovak weapons to Ukraine.

We recall that on Saturday, April 6, in the second round of the presidential elections in Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini, an opponent of military aid to Ukraine, won with 53.12% of the votes.

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