Home » Another World Tourist Country Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage: 'A Monumental Step'

Another World Tourist Country Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage: 'A Monumental Step'

by alex

The country became the first in Southeast Asia.

Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex unions after King Maha Vajiralongkorn signed a historic equality law marriages.

France 24 reports this.

Thai activists have been seeking the right to same-sex marriage for more than a decade, and their advocacy is often halted by political upheaval. Currently, only two other Asian countries recognize same-sex marriage: Taiwan and Nepal.

Maha Vajiralongkorn gave royal assent to a new law passed by parliament in June that will come into effect in 120 days — meaning the first weddings are expected to take place in January.

Activists hailed the “monumental step” as Thailand became only the third place in Asia where same-sex couples can get engaged, after Taiwan and Nepal.

The marriage law now uses gender-neutral terms instead of “husbands” and “wives” and gives same-sex couples adoption and inheritance rights.

The king's formal approval marks the culmination of years of campaigning and stalled efforts to pass equal marriage laws.

“The law is a monumental step towards equal rights in Thailand,” LGBTQ rights advocate Waaddao Chumaporn told AFP.

She plans to hold a mass wedding for more than 1,000 LGBTQ couples in Bangkok on January 22, the first day the law comes into effect.

Thailand has long had an international reputation for tolerance towards the LGBTQ community, and opinion polls reported in local media have shown overwhelming public support for equal marriage. However, much of the Buddhist-majority kingdom retains traditional and conservative values, and LGBTQ people say they still face barriers and discrimination in their daily lives.

More than 30 countries around the world have legalized marriage for everyone since the Netherlands became the first country to celebrate same-sex unions in 2001. India's Supreme Court deferred its decision to Parliament last year, while Hong Kong's Supreme Court came within a whisker of granting full marriage rights.

Recall that Greece recently celebrated the first same-sex marriage of a politician. The celebration lasted for nearly a week.

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