Home ยป Announcement of an open public competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation in the priority area of activity of the Russian Science Foundation “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by international scientific teams”

Announcement of an open public competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation in the priority area of activity of the Russian Science Foundation “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by international scientific teams”

by alex

The Russian Science Foundation announces an open public competition for the Foundation's grants in the priority area of the Russian Science Foundation's activities “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by international scientific teams.”

An open public competition is held in cooperation with the German Research Community (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (hereinafter – DFG).

Grants are allocated for the implementation of fundamental scientific research and exploratory research in 2023 – 2025 in the fields of knowledge specified in the tender documentation.

The competition is open to projects of international research teams, each of which consists of a Russian research team and a foreign research team.

The Foundation grants are provided to the Russian research team on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis based on the results of the competition on the terms provided for by the Foundation, through Russian scientific organizations, Russian educational institutions of higher education, international (interstate and intergovernmental) scientific organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which projects (hereinafter – organization).

The DFG grant is provided to a foreign research team carrying out fundamental research and exploratory research under the conditions stipulated by the DFG.

The size of one grant of the Foundation is from 4 (four) to 7 (seven) million rubles annually.

A prerequisite for the grant of the Foundation is the receipt by the foreign research team of the DFG grant for the implementation of the project. Funding for a project from the Fund's grant is terminated in the event of termination of project funding from the DFG grant. The content and name of the project participating in the Foundation competition must match the content and name of the project participating in the DFG competition.

The leader of the Russian research team can, in addition to the implementation of the project, simultaneously supervise one project of the Foundation and participate in one project of the Foundation as an executor.

The organization and the foreign organization must submit, as part of the application for participation in this competition, a letter of consent for the provision of the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the implementation of the project, on the plans and terms of work expected to be carried out within the framework of the project, on the procedure for using the results of intellectual activity created by the joint creative labor in the process of project implementation, awareness of the Foundation's requirements for the Russian research team.

The tender documentation also contains other restrictions on the filing of applications.

It is not allowed to submit to the Fund a project similar in content to a project that was simultaneously submitted for competitions of the Fund, other scientific foundations or organizations (in addition to those provided for in this tender documentation), or currently being implemented at the expense of funds or organizations, state (municipal) assignments, programs development funded by the federal budget. In cases of violation of these conditions, the Fund stops financing the project, regardless of the stage of its implementation, with the simultaneous demand from the recipient of the Fund's grant of the funds paid to him in the prescribed manner.

The condition for the grant is the obligation of the research team to make the results of their scientific research public domain by publishing them in peer-reviewed Russian and foreign scientific journals.

Other conditions of the tender are indicated in the tender documentation.

The application for the competition is submitted no later than 17:00 hours (Moscow time) on December 13, 2021 in the form of an electronic document through the Information and Analytical System of the Fund in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” at https://grant.rscf.ru in accordance with with the current agreement between the Foundation and the organization on the recognition of a simple electronic signature as equivalent to a handwritten signature.

The results of the competition are approved by the Board of the Fund until October 31, 2022 and are posted on the Fund's website on the Internet.

The full text of the tender documentation, the Procedure for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects, the Procedure for the examination of scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects and the Criteria for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects are published on the Foundation's website on the Internet at addresses www.rnf.rf and www.rscf.ru.

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