Home ยป Android virus attacks 10,000 users in 140 countries via social networks

Android virus attacks 10,000 users in 140 countries via social networks

by alex

Users of smartphones based on the Android operating system are threatened by a new Trojan, which first appeared on the Internet in March of this year and has already attacked at least 10,000 people in 144 countries. This was reported by analysts of the American company Zimperium, specializing in mobile security.

Reportedly, the main task of this Trojan virus is to steal social media accounts. Research suggests that the malware dubbed FlyTrap may have originated in Vietnam.

Specify that the Trojan was distributed, including through the Google Play Store, the administration of this site has removed at least nine infected applications. However, in other stores, according to Zimperium experts, they are still present. Most of these applications allegedly offer users promo codes for Netflix and Google AdWords.

To use such applications, you need to log in to Facebook. After logging into an account, the virus steals from the social network the personal data of users, location history, identifiers, as well as email addresses, IP addresses and cookies, which allows hackers to gain access to the account and use it for their own purposes.

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