Home » An unknown person shot two policemen near Moscow: what happened

An unknown person shot two policemen near Moscow: what happened

by alex

The Siren plan has been introduced in the Moscow region, which was last announced after the terrorist attack in Crocus City.

In the Moscow region, an unknown man attacked two police officers who ambushed a drug dealer. One of the law enforcement officers was killed, the other was seriously wounded. The attacker fled on a motorcycle.

Russian state news agencies report this with reference to Russian law enforcement agencies.

According to official information from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, two police officers carried out operational measures to detain a drug dealer . In a forested area near the town of Chernogolovka, they set up an ambush near a cache with a large batch of mephedrone, a so-called “club” drug that is likely produced by clandestine drug laboratories in China.

When an unknown person came to pick up the goods, the police tried to detain him, but he opened fire with a pistol.

Telegram channels report that the criminal fled on a motorcycle, which was later found on the M-11 highway leading to St. Petersburg. Messages are accompanied by photographs from the surveillance camera.

Под Москвой неизвестный расстрелял двух полицейских: что произошло

A plan has been announced in the Moscow region ” Siren”, which was last introduced after the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert hall.

Recall that on March 22, a large-scale terrorist attack with shooting and fire occurred in the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow. One of the groups of the terrorist organization ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

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