Home » An official close to Putin was fired in Russia: Arestovich said that high-profile resignations will soon begin in the Russian Federation

An official close to Putin was fired in Russia: Arestovich said that high-profile resignations will soon begin in the Russian Federation

by alex

Advisor to the head of the presidential office Alexei Arestovich believes that high-profile resignations will soon begin in Russia amid internal political problems in the country.

In particular, Arestovich said that on July 13, the head of Rosoboronprom, close to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, was fired in the Russian Federation, whom the head of the Kremlin trusted very much.

An adviser to the President's Office spoke about this during a conversation with host Natalia Moseychuk on 1 + 1 on Wednesday, July 13.

“Loud resignations will begin in Russia. Today they dismissed the head of Rosoboronprom, who was very close to Putin and enjoyed great confidence and who has huge questions about where the money went money spent on the defense industry during his tenure. Russia as a sociosystem is fizzling out. If there is no expansion, then the internal political problems that exist and which are very difficult to cope with in Russia are immediately and very sharply exacerbated,” Arestovich said.

As reported Earlier, Russian media outlets named a likely Kremlin “Gauleiter” in the occupied territories of Ukraine. A possible “Gauleiter” of the Kremlin in the Donbas could be the head of Roskosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, whom Putin “loves very much”.


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