Home » An Italian man contracted monkeypox, HIV and COVID-19 at the same time.

An Italian man contracted monkeypox, HIV and COVID-19 at the same time.

by alex

This is the first case of such simultaneous infection in the world.

The 36-year-old patient has already been treated for syphilis three years ago and suffers from bipolar disorders.


This is reported by the specialized medical journal Journal of Infection.

An Italian citizen has returned from Spain, where he spent five days. After returning home, the Italian's health deteriorated sharply: the man experienced increased fatigue, the temperature rose to 39 ° C, his throat and head hurt. Three days later, he passed the test for COVID-19, the result was positive.

On the same day, he developed a rash on his left arm. Ulcerative formations began to spread rapidly throughout the body, and the man turned to the ambulance service of the Sicilian hospital in the city of Catania, where he was transferred to the department of infectious diseases. The tests carried out revealed that he had HIV and monkeypox, although by that time the symptoms of the latter had almost disappeared.

The man also said that he had already been treated for syphilis. The Italian also suffers from bipolar disorder and is taking appropriate medication.

The patient was vaccinated twice with Pfizer for COVID-19, with the second dose in December last year. The man has already been discharged from the hospital after treatment for coronavirus and smallpox.

Recall, Spain's Ministry of Health on July 29 reported death from monkeypox – this is the first confirmed death in Europe.

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