Home » An immunologist named an effective way to combat COVID-19 mutations

An immunologist named an effective way to combat COVID-19 mutations

by alex

An immunologist named an effective way to combat COVID-19 mutations

Doctor of Medical Sciences, immunologist Vladislav Zhemchugov spoke about a way to slow down COVID-19 mutations. According to the doctor, 80-90% of the world's population is vaccinated, Sputnik radio reports.

The specialist recalled that the rate of emergence of new varieties of coronavirus depends on the extent to which it is widespread on the planet. Zhemchugov explained that the more viruses, the greater the likelihood of new mutations. The immunologist noted the importance of a mass vaccination campaign, if it is not passed, then doctors will have to start developing new vaccines against coronavirus.

“If the effectiveness of the vaccine is more than 50%, then the immune layer grows. If less, then it will mark time. Or decrease due to the emergence of new variants of the virus, ”said the doctor.

Zhemchugov believes that there is another way to solve the problem with new variants of COVID-19 – to develop a fundamentally new mechanism for designing drugs for the prevention of infections. According to him, the Gamaleya Center is going to register a technology thanks to which new vaccines against new variants of coronavirus infection will be created within a few weeks or months.

Earlier, Zhemchugov predicted the distribution model of the gamma strain. He believes that the explosive nature of the spread of the new strain of coronavirus “gamma” should be expected in those countries where the immune layer is very low.

He also noted that the coronavirus's ability to infect more people is growing. The evolution of viruses is aimed at ensuring that they have more opportunities to spread around the world and multiply. Each new modification begins to supplant all the previous ones.

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