Home » An F-16 fighter plane crashed in Greece – details

An F-16 fighter plane crashed in Greece – details

by alex

An F-16 fighter crashed into the sea.

In Greece on March 20, a fighter of the country's Air Force F-16 (Block 52+ variant) fell into the sea near the island of Psathura in the northern Aegean Sea.

This is reported by the publication Ekathimerini.

The pilot of the military plane managed to eject. He was found and taken to the hospital by helicopter.

The F-16 fighter belonging to the 337th Squadron of the 110th Fighter Wing of Greece was performing a training flight, the Greek Air Force said in a press release.

The country's authorities sent Super Puma and Sikorsky S70 helicopters from the city of Marathon, a Canadair plane from Thessaloniki and the frigate Aegeus, which was assisted by the coast guard, to the scene of the accident.

Recall that Denmark plans to be the first to deliver F-16s to Ukraine this summer.

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