Home ยป An effective baldness remedy named

An effective baldness remedy named

by alex

Red clover extract effectively helps prevent hair loss in men. This is reported by the Express edition citing a study by British scientists.

The study involved 30 men with androgenic alopecia. For four months, volunteers applied a 5% red clover extract (Trifolium pratense) to the scalp.

According to the test results, the participants in the experiment recorded 13 percent hair growth. In addition, the researchers noted that the volunteers' hair loss cycle decreased by 29 percent. At the same time, the group that was given a placebo showed no result.

At the second stage of the study, 109 women were selected, who after 90 days noted a significant improvement in the structure, appearance and overall quality of their hair, the newspaper notes.

Ryan Raman, a New Zealand nutritionist, previously named crops that can help fight hair loss. The expert claims that it is good to eat an avocado for hair loss. These fruits are rich in vitamin E, which protects the scalp from damage and oxidative stress. According to Raman, one avocado contains about 20 percent of your daily value for vitamin E.

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