Home » Amsterdam ousts London as the number one stock market in Europe

Amsterdam ousts London as the number one stock market in Europe

by alex

Trading volume in Amsterdam in January greater than in London.

After Brexit, London will have to cede the leading position among the European trading centers to Amsterdam. More shares were traded on the stock exchanges in the Dutch capital in January than on the Thames, according to data from Thursday's Cboe Europe futures exchange. Accordingly, the daily trading volume in Amsterdam was 9.2 billion euros, compared to 8.6 billion euros in London.

For the year as a whole, the British were still clearly in first place with an average of 17.5 billion euros in 2020, while Frankfurt took second place with 5.9 billion euros. Amsterdam only made it to sixth place with 2.6 billion.

The financial center London had long warned of the negative consequences of Great Britain's exit from the EU internal market. Exchange officials suspect that the shift in trade flows from London to Amsterdam is likely to be permanent as the EU insists that stocks quoted in euros must be traded in the EU. Amsterdam's triumphant advance was heralded when the European Cboe equity platforms and London-based Turquoise became active there after the Brexit vote in 2016.

London hopes to compensate for a small part of the losses with trading in Swiss francs quoted shares, which resumed this month. On average, 250 million euros change hands every day, which should move back towards one billion – to the level before the end of trading in Swiss shares in London in June 2019. Since then, Switzerland and the EU have recognized each other's stock exchanges no longer on.

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