Home » American IT company fired the entire team of Ukrainians in one day

American IT company fired the entire team of Ukrainians in one day

by alex

Employees are outraged by such an attitude towards themselves.

American IT company Alchemy fired a team of seven Ukrainian testers in one day without warning. Former employees are outraged by this attitude, especially when there is a war going on in Ukraine.

Aleksey Zaichenko reported this on Linkedin on March 14.

” Alchemy and CEO Timothy Lee made the “very hard” decision to disband the entire QA (UA) team and fired everyone in one day, with no warnings or notice periods, not even a simple “thanks for the work guys”, a former employee told DOU.

According to the man, Ukrainians simply received a message that their account was deactivated in their corporate Google account.

Employees believe that they were fired because they hired testers from India, who can be paid less.

Everything was good in the company and very pro-Ukrainian. We were supported and sympathized with. I have a feeling that just because of the decline in quality, they found cheaper staff. And that's okay for business. It's not normal for a business to lay off qualified personnel like this. Without any warning“, the fired woman said.

The journalists sent a request to the company and personally CEO Timothy Lee with a request to comment on the dismissal of Ukrainian employees, but have not received a response yet.

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