Home » Amazon Go, the business without a cash register, is arriving in Europe

Amazon Go, the business without a cash register, is arriving in Europe

by alex

An app and a credit card, that's all you need to go shopping on Amazon Go. A supermarket that does without cashiers and queues. Amazon is bringing its till-free supermarkets to Europe with an initial store in London. The shop under the brand name Amazon Fresh opens on Thursday, as the agency PA announced, citing the company. Further shops are being planned in the British capital. The concept is similar to the Amazon Go stores in the USA. Customers simply take items off the shelf and leave the store.

Cameras and other sensors such as scales in the shelves register who has taken which goods. The price is debited via the app after leaving the shop. “We know that customers in the UK want convenience to shop and we believe they will appreciate being able to easily walk in and out of the purchases they need,” said Amazon Fresh UK chief Matt Birch to PA.

Rumors of entry into UK grocery market

In the US, the online retail giant now has 28 Go stores in Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco and New York. Amazon has also been offering the technology to other retailers since last year.

There have been rumors for a long time about a broad entry of Amazon into the competitive British food market, while the organic chain Whole Foods, which was taken over by the online retailer, has several branches in London. It is expected that one of the larger chains will work with the group. Amazon Fresh has been delivering food ordered online in the UK since 2016. So far, however, the company has not really gained a foothold. According to estimates, the market share is currently three percent.

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