Home ยป Alarming signs of imminent diabetes named

Alarming signs of imminent diabetes named

by alex

The risk of being diagnosed with type II diabetes is increased with signs such as being overweight, frequent urination, and unexplained dizziness. Alarming factors indicating a possible illness, called the Express edition.

According to experts, non-insulin-dependent diabetes can be suspected based on a number of criteria, although the most reliable way to diagnose a chronic disease is a blood test for excess sugar levels. For example, dry mouth, slowly healing wounds, excess weight, frequent urge to urinate, fatigue, vision problems, itching in the genital area and dizziness can be alarming symptoms of diabetes itself or a pre-diabetic condition.

The high-risk group for the disease includes people over 40 years old and those who are overweight. It is also necessary to monitor the health of those who have diabetes in the family. You can reduce your risk with a healthy diet and regular exercise (150 minutes of moderate intensity training per week).

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes, or type II diabetes, is the most common type of diabetes. The disease can increase the risk of other life-threatening conditions, including dysfunction of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system.

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