Home ยป Al Qaeda appoints new leader in North Africa

Al Qaeda appoints new leader in North Africa

by alex

The terrorist group Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia) has recognized the elimination of the leader in North Africa, Abdelmalek Drukdal, and appointed a new leader in the region. This is reported by Reuters with reference to the SITE Intelligence Group portal, which monitors the information activity of extremists.

According to the agency, the Algerian Mujahid Yazid Mubarak, known as Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi, has become the new leader. He was included in the UN sanctions list against Al-Qaeda.

The liquidation of Drukdal in Mali became known in early June. He and people from his inner circle were destroyed by the French military as a result of a special operation with the support of the allies.

Drukdal commanded all terrorist groups in North Africa and the Sahel region and was the emir of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. He joined the militants in 1996. In 2006, the Algerian terrorist group GSPC, operating under his command, joined Al-Qaeda. At the beginning of the next year, they changed their name, and Drukdal became the emir of the regional “branch”.

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