Home » Aircraft supplier FACC wants to grow significantly by 2030

Aircraft supplier FACC wants to grow significantly by 2030

by alex

Upper Austrians rely on sustainability in the climate protection decade, “cuts were tough, but necessary”

The Upper Austrian aircraft supplier FACC presented a new strategy on Monday. By 2030, the company wants to be one of the 50 largest aerospace groups in the world, and is currently among the top 100. FACC wants to score above all with sustainability. Flying should become more environmentally friendly and quieter.

As examples, CEO Robert Machtlinger cited an aircraft cabin made from renewable raw materials and lightweight structures made from recyclable materials.

In the corona year 2020, FACC suffered a significant drop in sales and, according to preliminary figures from last week, posted a loss of more than EUR 74 million.

FACC is convinced that the market for civil passenger aircraft will continue to grow strongly, but differently than before. “Climate policy and environmental protection will shape the coming decade. New materials, more efficient manufacturing processes and digitization are required.”

FACC was one of the first companies in the industry to respond comprehensively to the changes. “The cuts were tough, but necessary.” FACC also wants to grow in the areas of drones and space.

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