Home » Air travel in future only possible with vaccination?

Air travel in future only possible with vaccination?

by alex

Aviation is struggling with the worst crisis to date. In some countries you will probably only be allowed to fly with a corona vaccination in the future.

Air traffic fell sharply in 2020. Due to the corona pandemic, the industry slid into the worst crisis in history. According to experts, there will be an increase in air travel again this year.

New specifications for airlines and passengers are currently being drawn up. In some countries, however, in future you will only be allowed to get on a plane if you have been vaccinated against Corona. This has been announced by the Australian airline Qantas.

The AUA is not making any specifications here, said State Secretary Magnus Brunner in the “Ö1 morning journal”. This is a separate corporate policy decision for each airline.

A digital vaccination certificate, which should be internationally recognized, is also being discussed. However, Brunner does not expect a quick recovery. “Air traffic was hit first by the crisis and will be affected the longest. However, vaccination plays a decisive role in this,” said the State Secretary.

The mask requirement at the airport and on board will remain in effect for the time being.

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