Home » Against the backdrop of scandals, Reznikov told how the Ministry of Defense will prevent corruption

Against the backdrop of scandals, Reznikov told how the Ministry of Defense will prevent corruption

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc148="" class="news-annotation">In recent weeks, more and more information has begun to appear about how representatives of the defense department of our state profit from the war. The head of the state institution, Alexei Reznikov, described how the process of fighting corruption is going on.

The head of the Ministry of Defense, Reznikov, has already commented on the scandal with the purchase of products for the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at inflated prices. Then he said that he was even threatened because he began to fight corruption. Subsequently, the official stated that work on this issue will continue in different directions.

Eradicating corruption in two directions

From the message of the Minister of Defense, it is clear that the work continues in two directions in order to make impossible any transactions at different levels of the department.

The first direction: we are rebooting the anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Defense, we are looking for personnel. Second: We are forming a public anti-corruption mechanism open to cooperation,” Reznikov wrote.

After a while, he updated his message and added that there are vacancies in the anti-corruption department of the MoU. Every citizen can try to be selected and apply to join a public anti-corruption body.

Pay attention!Please send your CV for a job in the Ministry of Defense to [email protected].

MoD Scandals: Latest News

  • One of the most recent high-profile scandals in the MOU concerns the fact that the department has concluded a contract with a certain private company to purchase food for the military at inflated prices. Then Reznikov was even forced to explain why “eggs cost 17 hryvnia per kilogram”.
  • At the same time, the State Bureau of Investigation reported on February 7 that the security forces had detained 5 people who were probably involved in this case. Actually, the investigation has 2 to 6 months to complete the pre-trial investigation and send the case to court.
  • In addition, it is known that the process of creating a public anti-corruption council under the Ministry of Defense has already begun. Reznikov also noted that there is an initiative to launch the Military Prozorro platform, which will eliminate the possibility of corruption.

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