Home ยป Active movement of Russian and Belarusian military equipment observed in Belarus – General Staff

Active movement of Russian and Belarusian military equipment observed in Belarus – General Staff

by alex

On the 28th day of the large-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct a defensive operation in the Eastern, South-Eastern and North-Eastern directions.

According to the General Staff, in the Eastern direction, operational groupings of troops operate in the Donetsk, Slobozhansky and eastern parts of the Tavrichesky operational areas. They do not allow the enemy to resume the attack on Slavyansk and part of the forces on Lozovaya. They hold back the advance of the enemy in the direction of Zaporozhye.

Ukrainian defenders hold back the advance of the invaders in the direction of Popasna and Kurakhovo, hold the all-round defense of Mariupol.

In the North-Eastern direction, the main efforts are focused on covering the state border, holding back the enemy offensive in the Malin area. In the Severshchina, the Armed Forces hold the defense of Chernigov and hold back the advance of the enemy in the direction of Kyiv.

A defense operation is being carried out in the South-Eastern direction, Ukrainian defenders support the actions of ground forces and individual units, defend bases and seaports in the Black Sea operational zone. The defense of Nikolaev and the settlements of the Nikolaev region continues.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are holding back the enemy in the directions to Krivoy Rog and Novovorontsovka, are conducting a stabilization operation, and performing tasks of territorial defense.

< p>At the same time, the General Staff notes active actions of enemy aircraft and strikes using missiles over the past day. But the Air Force is repulsing concentrated missile and air strikes and an air attack of the enemy, and is conducting air defense cover for important objects of Ukraine and groupings of troops.

Over the previous day, more than 17 enemy air targets were shot down ( six aircraft, five UAVs, one helicopter and five cruise missiles). In addition, Air Force aviation dealt crushing blows to the accumulation of equipment and manpower.

Meanwhilecovert mobilization continues in Russiato replenish the loss of personnel of the invading troops. The military commissariats are trying to involve former servicemen in their service and signing the relevant contracts, preference is given to those who already have combat experience.

On the territory of Belarus, representatives of the opposition forces and caring citizens who condemn the assistance of the current illegitimate government of the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine, partially disabled the railway communication between Belarus and Ukraine. The information is being specified.

At the same time, according to available information, there is active movement of Russian and Belarusian military equipment and its further accumulation along the Ukrainian border across the territory of the republic.

< p> The enemy on separate directions is demoralized. So, during the assault on the city of Mariupol in one of the special forces involved in active hostilities, less than 10% of the personnel are ready to continue participating in the war. The rest of the personnel are killed, wounded, sick or demoralized.

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