Home » Accidentally shot in the buttock: a woman brought a firearm to an MRI

Accidentally shot in the buttock: a woman brought a firearm to an MRI

by alex

Before the procedure, she assured that she did not have any metal objects with her.

In the United States, a woman received a gunshot wound during an MRI .

Metro writes about this.

In June, a 57-year-old Wisconsin woman took a loaded gun into her office. The weapon was attracted by a magnet when the device was turned on. The gun then shot the patient in the buttock, Food and Drug Administration records show.

A report on problems with the use of the devices submitted by the woman's insurance company in July stated: “The patient was brought into a magnetic room with a hidden iron pistol. While entering the canal, the barrel of the pistol was attracted to the magnet and fired a single shot. The victim received a gunshot wound to the right buttock area. The patient was examined by a doctor on site, who described the entry and exit wounds as very small and superficial, penetrating only into the subcutaneous tissue.”

It is unclear how the woman managed to bring the gun to the scanner, since she underwent a routine inspection for the presence of metal objects and confirmed that she did not have anything of the kind on her.

She was taken to the hospital after the incident and later reported that she had recovered, the report said.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body. An MRI scanner is a large tube containing powerful magnets that you lie inside during the scan. Patients must remove all metal from their bodies, and everything entering the room is carefully controlled, otherwise the giant magnet may attract objects.

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