Home » About a thousand people gathered at a protest against restrictions due to the pandemic in Riga

About a thousand people gathered at a protest against restrictions due to the pandemic in Riga

by alex

RIGA, December 12. / Corr. TASS Evgeny Antonov, Maria Ivanova /. A protest against the restrictions in connection with the coronavirus pandemic is taking place on Saturday in the capital of Latvia. Instead of the declared 25 people, several hundred demonstrators are taking part in it, TASS correspondents report from the scene.

The action, organized by the Environmental Protection Club, is taking place in the Old Town, not far from the Riga Castle, which serves as the residence of the country's president, and the Anglican Church. Initially, it was assumed that up to 25 people would take part in it, and in accordance with the current restrictions in connection with the pandemic, all of them had to wear masks.

However, according to various estimates, from 500 to 1 thousand people gathered on the site fenced for protesters on the Daugava embankment, most of whom do not have masks. Cars passing along the embankment slow down and greet the audience with signals.

The protesters are holding Latvian flags and posters with the words “Against compulsory vaccination”, “Let the children breathe freely”, “System or humanity”, “The crown is artificial”, “Cancel all unreasonable restrictions”, “For open dialogue, against censorship “,” The people want freedom “,” Stop the genocide of the Latvian people “,” False tests – a fake pandemic “. In addition, the protesters chant: “We are the power!” and “We are free!” A large number of police officers monitor the order in the district of the event.

About half an hour after the start of the rally, the police began to urge those present to disperse, because the rally was taking place in violation of the norms of social distancing.

Participants' opinions

One of the organizers of the rally, representative of the Environmental Protection Club, Christina Dunetsa, told TASS that this rally is a manifestation of the right to freedom of speech.

“The moment has come when we are ready to physically take to the streets, because there are so many inconsistencies in the current situation,” she said. “The people who have gathered here today feel with all their hearts that they are being deceived and deceived by statistics.”

According to her, the participants are demanding that the state of emergency and the vaccination plan be lifted. They began collecting signatures under an appeal to the President of Latvia Egils Levits, the Speaker of the Seim (Parliament) Inara Murniece and Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins, in which they express these demands.

Another participant in the demonstration, representative of the Russian Union of Latvia party, Dmitry Shandybin, called it a “popular event”.

“Initially, a small rally of a group of dissidents of 25 people was planned,” he recalled in an interview with TASS.

Shandybin also spoke negatively about the government's actions to combat the pandemic and the system for paying compensation to enterprises affected by the crisis.

President called to account

Earlier on Saturday, Latvian President Egils Levits issued an appeal urging society to take responsible action in the midst of a pandemic.

“This time is difficult for all of us, so I understand everyone's anxiety, worries and uncertainty about the future,” the president said. “Without denying the rights of each person to freedom of thought and speech, let us remember: being close to our loved ones, we wish they are in good health and we take care that their lives are not threatened. “

By a decision of the Latvian government, from November 9 to December 6, a state of emergency was introduced in the country, providing for a number of restrictive measures, which was extended until January 11. This regime operated in the republic in connection with the pandemic from March 13 to June 9.

See also: All about coronavirus: a selection of relevant materials

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