Home » A woman left London for a beggar lover from the Amazon jungle

A woman left London for a beggar lover from the Amazon jungle

by alex

A yoga teacher from London moved to a beggar lover from Peru, who is 14 years younger than her, lives in the jungle without running water and is interrupted by odd jobs. The Daily Mirror writes about this.

33-year-old British woman Caroline Knight came to Peru in March 2020 to give a ten-day yoga class for British tourists. The woman thought that she would soon return to her homeland, but she was stuck in a foreign country for a long time due to the quarantine introduced to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. She and other tourists who came to practice yoga had to choose: stay in the jungle or wait for the release of quarantine in the city of Puerto Maldonado. She chose the city.

Bored alone, Knight thought about 19-year-old Romulo, whom she had spotted shortly after arriving. The young man was a handyman in their holiday home and did not even have a mobile phone. Thoughts were mutual: ten days after the start of quarantine, Romulo contacted her on Facebook. “He borrowed a phone from someone,” the woman says. – We chatted for a long time, and then he said: “I must confess: in my opinion, I love you.”

A month later, Romulo came to her in Puerto Maldonado. “We sat by the pool all day and went out in the evening and cooked for each other,” Knight says. Romulo then had to return to the jungle to work on the family's farm. After three weeks, he invited a woman to live with him, his mother, and six brothers and sisters. She happily jumped at the chance.

Now the Briton lives on a farm in the Amazon jungle, which is more than a hundred kilometers from the nearest city. There is no running water, and you have to wash your clothes in the river. Despite this, the woman is content with life. “When you wake up every morning near Romulo to the magical sounds of howler monkeys shouting under the canopy of the jungle, you understand that for this it is worth enduring all the difficulties,” she said.

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