Home » A whole series of new restrictions: the European Union has expanded sanctions against Belarus

A whole series of new restrictions: the European Union has expanded sanctions against Belarus

by alex

A whole series of new restrictions: the European Union has expanded sanctions against Belarus Margarita Voloshina

The EU has expanded sanctions against Belarus in order to solve the problem of circumventing them with Russia Russia/Collage 24 Channel

On the afternoon of June 29, the Council of the European Union adopted sanctions against the Belarusian economy. They reflect some of the restrictive measures against Russia.

Thus, this can solve the problem of the aggressor country circumventing sanctions. This was reported by the press service of the EU Council. Note that the day before, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski insisted on this, since Lukashenko is helping Putin bypass sanctions.

The EU expanded sanctions against Belarus

The EU Council extended the ban on the export of dual-use and advanced goods and technologies technologies, and also introduced additional restrictions on the export of goods that could help strengthen Belarusian industrial potential. In particular, it was decided to introduce additional restrictions on the export of goods and technologies for maritime navigation and luxury goods to Belarus. from Belarus gold and diamonds, as well as helium, coal and mineral products, including crude oil. In addition, the latest measure will be complemented by a new ban on the export of goods and technologies suitable for use in oil refining and liquefied natural gas.

At the same time, the provision of certain services to a country, its government, public authorities, corporations or agencies, or any person or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction is prohibited. This directly applies to accounting, architectural, engineering services, as well as advertising services, marketing research and the like.

Restrictions will also be extended to the transportation of goods by road within the European Union trailers and semi-trailers registered in Belarus, including when transported by trucks registered outside the country.

The adopted decision requires EU exporters to include in their future contracts the following called the “no-Belarus clause,” which prohibits the re-export into the country or re-export for use in the country of important goods and technology, military goods, firearms and ammunition. But that’s not all.

In order to minimize the risk of circumventing sanctions, the EU will prohibit the transit through the territory of Belarus of dual-use goods and technologies, goods and technologies that can contribute to military-technical strengthening Belarus or the development of its defense and security sector, goods that can help strengthen Belarusian industrial capacities.

We recall that on June 24, the Council of the European Union adopted the 14th package of sanctions against the country- aggressor. Interestingly, in addition to important sectors of the economy, the restrictions affected 116 individuals and legal entities. It is known that the list of sanctions included famous singers, actors, propagandists and those who work for the hostile FSB.

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