Home » A unique telescope under construction in Russia will be commissioned in 2022

A unique telescope under construction in Russia will be commissioned in 2022

by alex

A unique telescope under construction in Russia, which will allow obtaining high-precision images of foreign and Russian satellites, will be put into operation next year. The construction of this apparatus, intended for the control system of near-earth space, is being carried out at the Altai optical-laser center.

“The commissioning of the second ground-based optical-laser system with an information telescope (diameter of the main mirror is 3.12 meters) is scheduled for 2022. At present, the telescope itself is being prepared for installation, ”RIA Novosti was told at the Precision Instrumentation Systems Research and Production Corporation (part of the Roscosmos state corporation).

The company added that the new telescope “will allow assessing the state of structural elements of emergency spacecraft, as well as assessing their orientation.”

We will remind, as the website kp.ru wrote, earlier it became known that more than two billion rubles were allocated for the construction of the Russian astrophysical space observatory “Spektr-M” with a ten-meter space telescope. The work is scheduled to be completed by November 2025. The observatory will be used to study objects in the Universe in the millimeter and infrared ranges.

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