Home » A Ukrainian was brutally murdered in Poland: his employer and two accomplices were detained

A Ukrainian was brutally murdered in Poland: his employer and two accomplices were detained

by alex

The body of a 48-year-old Ukrainian citizen was found in Rokyciny in northern Poland, brutally murdered and then set on fire along with the farm where he had recently worked.

It is previously known that the man was literally chopped to pieces with an ax, and the farm was set on fire to hide traces of the crime.

This is reported by Wiadomosci.

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Murder of a Ukrainian in Poland — suspects

Police detained three Poles — A 37-year-old owner of an agricultural enterprise, his 35-year-old wife and another 34-year-old farm employee.

The men are directly suspected of murdering a Ukrainian, and the woman — failure to provide assistance to a person who is in danger, as well as attempts to conceal a crime.

Now investigative actions are being carried out with them, their motive and reasons for such cruel reprisals are being clarified.

The prosecutor's office denies that the crime was committed on ethnic grounds, but rather — due to drinking alcoholic beverages.

Now the two men arrested face life in prison, and the female suspect could be sent to prison for five years.

What is known about the murdered Ukrainian

The Ukrainian who became the victim of murder was the only citizen of our country who worked at this enterprise.

He also lived alone, his sister lives in another city in Poland, and his mother remained in Ukraine.

Law enforcement officers did not find any documents about his employment; most likely, he worked at the agricultural enterprise without registration.

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