Home » A terrible fire in Spain: a 14-story building burned to the ground, there were casualties (photos, video)

A terrible fire in Spain: a 14-story building burned to the ground, there were casualties (photos, video)

by alex

The fire started on the fourth floor, after which the fire spread throughout the building.

In Valencia, Spain, there was a large fire in a multi-story building. As a result, at least 14 people were injured and four were killed.

The Guardian writes about this.

According to preliminary information, the fire most likely started on the fourth floor and quickly spread along the entire façade of the building. As a result, individual parts of the house collapsed to the ground. All citizens were urged not to approach the scene of the incident.

Жуткий пожар в Испании: дотла сгорел 14-этажный дом, есть жертвы (фото, видео)

The cause of the fire in the building, built in 2008, is still being determined . But according to an expert interviewed by El Pais, it could have been caused by flammable cladding on the building's façade.

It was previously reported that NASA showed a photograph taken by cameras on the International Space Station (ISS) showing the Hawaiian island of Maui after forest fires broke out here .

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