Home » A state of emergency was declared in Iceland due to a volcanic eruption: the entire city was evacuated

A state of emergency was declared in Iceland due to a volcanic eruption: the entire city was evacuated

by alex

Volcanic eruption expected in Iceland / Collage 24 Channel, screenshots from video

The Icelandic town of Grindovik, near the capital Reykjavik, is expecting an eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano. The settlement was in danger.

More than 3,000 people live in Grindavik. On the morning of November 11, residents of the city were evacuated immediately after the shift of magma under the earth's crust caused hundreds of earthquakes, which is believed to be a harbinger of an eruption.

What's happening in Grindavik

The city is located about 40 kilometers southwest of Reykjavik, near the Svartsengi geothermal power plant, the main supplier of electricity and water for the 30,000 residents of the Reykjanes Peninsula, as well as a fresh water reservoir.

The most likely scenario would be a crack opening in the ground near Grindavik. Now there is a fault in the ground about 15 kilometers long. An eruption can occur at any point on this fault.

Crack in the ground in Grindavik: watch the video

We are very concerned about the state of all the houses and infrastructure in the area,” said Vidir Reynisson, head of the Icelandic Civil Protection and Emergency Management Authority.

However, he does not rule out the possibility of an eruption on the ocean floor, which would likely result in a large ash cloud. Although this is a less likely scenario.

According to him, seismic activity “started very quickly.” Although it has slowed down a bit so far,” it doesn't say anything about what happened next. Met Office Volcanic Hazards Coordinator Sarah Barsotti added that experts were surprised by the amount of lava and the speed at which it accumulated, calling the activity “an unprecedented event.”

The volcano began to erupt: video

Earthquakes and rising ground caused by the intrusion of magma have already caused damage to roads and houses in Grindavik and the surrounding area.

Iceland declares a state of emergency

Iceland has declared a state of emergency. Residents of Grindavik were taken out in emergency vehicles accompanied by civil defense workers, and forces urged other residents not to travel towards Grindavik. However, some people were allowed to briefly return to their homes to pick up pets and essentials as experts warned the eruption could occur within days or even hours.

Emergency shelters and relief centers have opened in several nearby towns, but most Grindavik residents are staying with friends or relatives.

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