Home » A sign of skill. A method for stabilizing UAVs in the air has been developed in Russia

A sign of skill. A method for stabilizing UAVs in the air has been developed in Russia

by alex

A sign of skill. A method for stabilizing UAVs in the air has been developed in Russia

Russia has created a hardware and software complex for fast stabilization of drones in the air, which will help drones to perform combat missions in difficult climatic conditions. Snow, rain, wind and even being hit by shrapnel or bullets will not prevent the drones from continuing their mission. The UAV will be able to regain controllability in just 5-7 seconds. AiF.ru figured out what kind of UAV stabilization system in the air had been proposed by Russian scientists.

Unmanned aerial vehicles perform more and more military tasks every year – from air strikes to reconnaissance. Unmanned aerial vehicles can perform missions that are dangerous for the crew of controlled aircraft – to carry out work in “hot” spots or even serve as “kamikaze” – to defeat the enemy at the cost of their existence.

However, there is an important task – to ensure the stability of the flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle in difficult or rapidly changing conditions. Military drones often fly in difficult climates. In Syria, the UAV can get caught in a sandstorm, in the Arctic it can be hit by snow. Sometimes bullets and shell fragments hit the drones – even if this does not disable the drone, such a blow can knock it off course.

The solution to this problem is being dealt with at the Moscow Aviation Institute. They are working on a software and hardware complex for fast stabilization of the drone in the event of negative environmental impact. The key word here is “fast”, because the time for stabilization of the device, according to the team's estimates, will be only 5-7 seconds, which is about 10 times faster than using systems available on the market today.

The algorithm, developed by scientists, will provide the ability to stabilize the position of the drone relative to flight targets, such as the horizon or navigation radio signals. The result of the work will be a compact software module that can be equipped with any unmanned aerial vehicle – from a small reconnaissance drone to a larger attack drone.

The principle of operation of the complex is based on the fact that the UAV's movement map is segmented into small sections, which helps to get rid of the dependence of landmarks on each other and significantly reduce the time for assessing the state of the system.

An unmanned aerial vehicle with a fast stabilization system can be used not only for military purposes, but also for civilian purposes. For example, in the rescue operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in mining, agriculture, anti-poaching, environmental monitoring and monitoring of infrastructure equipment installed in remote and sparsely populated areas.

It is planned to present a ready-made prototype of a drone with a unique stabilization system in 2023.

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