Home » A scenario capable of leading to a civil war in the United States revealed

A scenario capable of leading to a civil war in the United States revealed

by alex

Tiberio Graziani, an Italian political scientist, chairman of the Vision & Global Trends analytical center, in an interview with Lenta.ru, revealed a scenario that could lead to a civil war in the United States.

According to him, such a result is possible if the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, attempts to retain power by force.

Graziani said that the plans attributed to the head of the White House to impose martial law in the country and retain power by force do not look realistic. “He would have to resort to the help of certain groups within the Pentagon, and above all, private military companies and paramilitaries. In this case, Trump would become a hostage of the latter, ”the expert said. He added that the diplomatic state, although weakened by confrontation with the Trump administration in recent years, will nip such attempts in the bud.

“However, if we still allow such a scenario, then a real civil war will break out between the Americans. Its outcome will be unpredictable, ”Graziani emphasized. The political scientist added that such a scenario will meet with resistance from various lobbies, as it will lead to a large-scale institutional crisis and the country's loss of international influence.

Earlier, Newsweek reported that the Pentagon is working on an action plan in case Trump introduces martial law in the country in his last days in office. The military fears that the American leader will take his supporters onto the streets to thwart the transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden. Only generals who do not sympathize with Trump are involved in working out such scenarios. Supporters of the current US president, as well as the White House, are not aware of these discussions.

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