Home » A Russian was forcibly evicted from Poland: what did he do?

A Russian was forcibly evicted from Poland: what did he do?

by alex

< p>A Russian often visited one of the Polish regions.

A Russian citizen suspected of espionage was forcibly deported from Poland.

The Polish publication wprost.pl writes about this.

“Fulfilling its statutory duties, the Internal Security Agency discovered a citizen of the Russian Federation suspected of cooperation and connections with Russian intelligence services. As a result of cooperation between ABW and the Border Guard, the man was deported from Poland on December 1, 2023,” it says in the message.

The Russian, while in Poland, stopped in Bydgoszcz. In 2023, two other foreigners were also discovered in the vicinity of this city, who could carry out espionage activities in favor of Russia and Belarus. The revealed facts indicate Russia's constant interest in this region of Poland.

Between 2016 and 2023, Polish counterintelligence neutralized the activities of more than 100 Russian and Belarusian spies conducting intelligence operations against Poland.

Let us recall that the new head of the Polish government, Donald Tusk, in his address to Polish parliamentarians repeatedly mentioned Ukraine and promised to support our state.

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