Home » A resident of Rome kindled a fireplace with coupons for 20 thousand euros, which her husband hid

A resident of Rome kindled a fireplace with coupons for 20 thousand euros, which her husband hid

by alex

A resident of the Italian capital kindled a fire with coupons for 20 thousand euros. Her husband hid the savings bonds in the fireplace.

An Italian woman decided to light a fireplace for Christmas. She even imagined that she could destroy securities.

From what he saw, the man almost lost consciousness

Italian media reported that the incident occurred in Monteverde area. Subsequently, the man shared his experience with reporters.

When I saw the flames, I said to myself: “It's all over.” I almost fainted: the savings literally went up in smoke, – said the Italian.

He explained that he had hidden the securities in the fireplace because he was afraid that the thieves would not find them. However, for some reason, I didn’t warn my wife.

“I thought it was a safe place where thieves would never look. My wife did not know that I hid postal coupons there. Every year before kindling fire, we transferred them,” the man added.

In the Ternopil region, unknown people washed money down the drain

In Lanovtsy, Ternopil region, the sewer was literally filled with money. Someone flushed the burnt euros and pounds down the toilet. An interesting find was discovered by public utilities.

According to the workers, the money is real. Moreover, they found up to 700 euros. The notes were in denominations of one hundred. How much money was lowered down the drain and who did it is unknown.

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